Barrier gate

The Modular barrier gate was specifically designed to be a median gate, either fixed or removable, to protect median crossings.

Median crossings, on roadways with traffic flows in two directions, are vitally important to assure that traffic will con- tinue to flow in conditions where it becomes necessary to divert traffic. Modular the median barrier gate, consists of 6m long sections with a similar shape to concrete F-shape barrier allowing it to integrate into any median barrier for any roadway or highway with any speed limit.

Modular was tested and passed(TB11 e TB51) the requirements of UNI EN1317-2:2010.

The device has been classified as an H2 with a working width W3.

  • • Very compact and durable which facilitates logistics, positioning, and installation/assembly;
    • Certified and Rapid Installation on concrete (with embedded bushings) or in asphalt (with steel pickets);
  • • Limited Dynamic Deflection during impacts with heavy vehicles allowing for narrow medians applications;
  • • Optimized Integration specially designed transition to any typeof existing barrier metal or concrete;
    • Three methods of opening: longitudinal dilation, single side hinge, two side hinge.
  • • Standard version opening time is about 15 minutes and a quick opening version is also available reducing opening time to 10 minutes.

